We invite you to the International Conference on Digital Solutions for the Foundry & Casting Industry DIGITAL CASTING.
The conference will be held on June 10 as part of the Litmash-2021 exhibition at the Expocentre Fairgrounds address: Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 14.(Conference format: offline in Pavilion 3).

Representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade will present the topic: "Strategy for the development of the AM industry until 2030". They will answer the questions of the audience and listen to their wishes.

Representatives of manufacturers, integrators, and institutes will make presentations on applying AM to create rig and forms for casting. That is one of the most interesting sections of the conference. It will tell in detail about all the technologies, methods, and materials used to create casting molds and rigs for metal casting.

All leading AM software developers will talk about their latest developments and demonstrate how the software works. Listeners and viewers will have a unique opportunity to compare software products, talk to developers and ask all their questions.

Форум пройдет в рамках выставки “ТЕХНОФОРУМ-2021” в ЦВК “Экспоцентр” на Красной Пресне с 18 по 21 октября 2021 года.
На форуме спикеры-эксперты АТ из России и всего мира поделятся своим опытом и выступят с докладами на тему: внедрение АТ и 3D-решений в отраслях медицины, ювелирной промышленности, машиностроения, литья и метрологии.
Главная цель форума:
Объединить всех производителей, интеграторов, пользователей, профессионалов и экспертов, ученых и научных сотрудников, профессоров и преподавателей, связанных с АТ и 3D-решениями, на единой независимой площадке при поддержке профильных Министерств и ассоциаций. Предоставить для профессионалов отрасли АТ России и мира удобный формат для продвижения своих решений, технологий, сервисов, материалов, образовательных программ и научных разработок; предоставить возможность общения друг с другом и обсуждения актуальных тем по АТ и 3D-решениям.
"INDUSTRY-3D" is a 4-day International Forum on Additive Manufacturing and 3D Solutions.
The forum will be held within the Technoforum-2021 exhibition in Expocentre at Krasnaya Presnya from October 18 to 21, 2021.
At the forum, AM expert speakers from Russia and all over the world will share their experience and make speeches on the subject: implementation of AM and 3D solutions in medicine, jewelry industry, machine building, casting and metrology sectors.
The main goal of the forum:
To unite all manufacturers, integrators, users, professionals and experts, scientists and researchers, professors and teachers related to AM and 3D-solutions on one independent platform with the support of specialized Ministries and Associations. To provide a convenient format for the AM industry professionals in Russia and worldwide to promote their solutions, technologies, services, materials, educational programs and scientific developments; to provide an opportunity to communicate with each other and discuss topical topics on AM and 3D-solutions.